Episode 5
Kinpachi tries to motivate his class to do the Soran Bushi. And he does so by telling them they can't do it. They're a bunch of egoists who will never be able to accomplish anything as a group. And it's not because they don't want to. It's because they're afraid to fail. Considering this an insult to their honour, 3B try to get their act together. Their motivation is further fuled by the fact that Kinpachi threatened to quit his job if they fail.

46min, 438MB AVI file (RAW) (join with HJSplit)
MU: .001 .002 .003
MF: .001 .002 .003
46min, 181MB RealMedia file (Chinese subs)
MU: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BTPS2K2U
MF: http://www.mediafire.com/?jq3g3m4pqqzksc7

46min, 438MB AVI file (RAW) (join with HJSplit)
MU: .001 .002 .003
MF: .001 .002 .003
46min, 181MB RealMedia file (Chinese subs)
MU: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BTPS2K2U
MF: http://www.mediafire.com/?jq3g3m4pqqzksc7