Episode 2
While there are obvious signs that things aren't going well in Shu's life, almost nobody seems to notice, mainly because Shu acts very introverted and avoids contact with his classmates. Only Maiko worries about Shu, but she's too shy to ask him what's wrong. Lacking any close friends he could talk to, Shu seeks help calling the Childline.

46min, 547MB AVI file (RAW) (join with HJSplit)
MU: .001 .002 .003
MF: .001 .002 .003
46min, 194MB RealMedia file (Chinese subs)
MU: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KKFKB3L2
MF: http://www.mediafire.com/?7oa90h94b7e8cvc

46min, 547MB AVI file (RAW) (join with HJSplit)
MU: .001 .002 .003
MF: .001 .002 .003
46min, 194MB RealMedia file (Chinese subs)
MU: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KKFKB3L2
MF: http://www.mediafire.com/?7oa90h94b7e8cvc